My spunky, dramatic, animated little 3 year old Franki, Franks, Franki girl, Frankenstein. I cant believe you are 3 years old already. Where has the time gone. Your seem to change a little with every passing moment. You are one of the most caring, sensual little people I have ever come across. You care so deeply for the people around you, your friends, and family mean the world to you and you are always so concerned about the well being of us all. If i am upset you immediately come over to me and ask me if i am sad and what can you do to make me happy. I love that side of you baby girl and I hope you carry it with you always. Please take care of those who come across your path. You are also silly. You love to make people laugh. You dance, wiggle and shake and you think it is the funniest thing in the world. When you dance you dont have another care in the world, you let your head hang back and shake every little muscle in your body. You turn on a light for us all when we see you dance, it immediately makes mommy and daddy smile and forget all the things we may be doing in that moment. You love the water and you love watching the look on our faces when we are proud of you. Your strive for attention and its pretty impossible to ignore you with that beautiful little smile and sweet little dimple. Your imagination runs wild, you create the impossible out of nothing. Its one of the most beautiful things about you. I love watching you turn a towel into a wedding dress and use markers to "repair it and add bows". Reading books and singing is one of your favorite pastimes. You still love to hold my hand every night as you fall asleep. I know it wont last forever, so for now I cherish the moments i get to spend at night with you to breathe you in to hold that tiny hand in mind until you drift to sleep. Your are one of a kind and I have no idea what my life was like before you graced it with your silly little animations and your quirky little needs! Your are strong, You are caring, You are wise beyond your years, You are my beautiful baby girl forever and ever (as you would say) . Love you me much bear.
3 year stats: 28.6 lbs, 3 feet tall
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