Sunday, October 7, 2012

26 months and 7.5 months

The girls are getting so big so fast. I wish I could bottle this moment forever. Franki is just the funniest most spunky little girl. She bargains with you to get what she wants and then pours on the lovin the next. She loves to talk, dance, sing and most of all take care of her babies! You can often find her repeating things I have said to her to her babies. Her most common phrase is telling her babies to Listen, Listen. As you can imagine we have to tell her often to listen to us since she is usually to busy to pay any attention to what we are saying. She is in potty training mode and doing really well. She loves to have her babies also practice going potty. She cracks us up with the things that she says. The other day when I was talking to Addi she told me to stop talking to addi " mama no talking addi she has no teeth cant talk" She recently learned some new sayings from her best buddy Sophie and she says it whenever she sees anything surprising or pretty or out of context she says "Oh my God" It is amazing all the things they learn from other kids. Her language continues to progress everyday. She loves school and has a great time doing all of the arts and crafts. She had a traumatic week a week ago when she got bitten by another toddler, but she is all healed up now and luckily kids forget things so quickly.

Addi has been practicing her standing and is now standing on her own for 30-60 seconds. She is constantly on the move and loves to play with whatever her sister has or is playing with. She has her two bottom teeth. They just came in this week. So we are hoping that she will start sleeping better soon. She loves to wave hi and bye and will do it anytime someone new walks into the room. She loves to eat and is now eating a variety of finger foods her favorite is cheese and pancakes. She is smiley and loveable.

We went to the shedd this week as a family. It was nice having Tyler take the day off to spend with us. The girls loved having there daddy around for the day! We love going to the city and the bonus was the Shedd was free and both girls loved all of the fish. They also loved the Dolphin show. Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks.

Yes she loves to pick her nose. The more we tell her no the more the finger goes straight up her nose. Aye Aye Aye

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